New Features and Updates With The 3NUM Beta!

The 3NUM team is hard at work improving the 3NUM Beta to expedite launching our full fledged mobile app + service and upgrade the world’s largest social graph into secure and trusted communications!

Product Improvements

1. Embedded Wallets:
The 3NUM Beta now supports Embedded Wallets from our secure auth partner Privy! Users can now join 3NUM with the convenience of “Sign In With Email” to get a simple self-custodial wallet. This provides web2-caliber onboarding UX but with ownership and consent of Web3, making it possible to onboard Web2 friends into trusted, Web3 native messaging!

With embedded wallets, onboarding your web2 friends is as easy as texting an invite directly to someone’s phone number so that person can then join trusted Web3 native messaging with the familiarity of “Sign In With Email”

2. Contact Renaming:
Secure Web3 messaging is AMAZING, but chatting with non-human friendly names, like pure wallet addresses or phone numbers, can feel impersonal.The 3NUM Beta now supports contact renaming to create a more personalized and enjoyable messaging experience.

Updating a users contact name is incredibly straightforward:
First, simply click on a users wallet address, web3 username or phone number.
Then, type a new contact name so it is something more familiar!

3. Notes To Self:
Users can easily send encrypted messages to themselves, turning the 3NUM Messenger into a trusted notepad!

To create a “note to self” simply send a new message to either your messaging name or 3NUM Shield. Notes to self will show up as a dedicated conversation within the 3NUM Messenger client

In-progress Product Improvements

The 3NUM team continues to add features and build towards a product experience that enables users to fully replace their existing phone plan with the 3NUM Service.

Current in-progress efforts include

1. Re-enabling notifications

2. Multiple Shield Support

3. Dedicated Mobile App

4. Smishing Prevention

5. And More! 

Checkout the complete list of what’s on our roadmap here

If you want to learn more and stay updated with 3NUM’s efforts, be sure to join our newsletter here!