3NUM Is Unlocking Decentralized Identity Through Phone Numbers

Web3 provides the tools for users to have better control over their digital lives, where privacy preservation, security and user control are at the forefront.

In an increasingly digital world, the need for secure and self-sovereign identity solutions is paramount. Traditional methods of identification often rely on centralized systems that are vulnerable to data breaches and misuse. To address this challenge, 3NUM has revolutionized the concept of phone numbers, transforming them into decentralized identifiers (DIDs) that empower individuals with self-sovereign identity control. In this article, we explore how 3NUM leverages its innovative technology to create a safer and more secure digital identity landscape.

The Power of Phone Numbers:

Phone numbers have long been an integral part of our lives, connecting us with friends, family, and businesses. However, the potential of phone numbers extends beyond mere communication. 3NUM recognizes the inherent value of phone numbers as a unique identifier tied to individuals, and leverages this existing infrastructure to build a robust decentralized identity system.1. Entering Your Phone Number

Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs):

At the core of 3NUM's solution is the concept of decentralized identifiers (DIDs). DIDs are unique, globally resolvable identifiers that provide individuals with control over their own digital identities. By transforming phone numbers into DIDs, 3NUM creates a secure and self-sovereign identity framework that allows individuals to assert their identities without relying on intermediaries or centralized authorities.

Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI):

Self-sovereign identity is a paradigm shift in how individuals manage their personal information. With traditional identity systems, personal data is stored in centralized repositories, making it vulnerable to hacks, breaches, and unauthorized access. In contrast, 3NUM's approach to self-sovereign identity ensures that individuals have complete ownership and control over their personal information. By leveraging phone numbers as DIDs, 3NUM enables users to authenticate themselves, assert their identity, and share their information securely and selectively.

Key Features and Benefits:

Privacy and Security:
By leveraging a self-sovereign identity framework, 3NUM ensures that personal data remains secure and private. Users have complete control over what information they share and with whom, reducing the risk of identity theft and data breaches.

3NUM DIDs are also capable of end-end encrypted communication between users, while remaining backwards compatible to interface with existing SMS and voice infrastructure used by over 5 billion mobile subscribers

3NUM's DIDs can be used across various platforms and services, making it easier for individuals to manage their identity without being tied to a single provider. This interoperability fosters a more seamless and user-centric experience. Because a 3NUM resolves to a traditional mobile number controlled by a user, it is able to function in any web2 or web3 transaction!

Trust and Authentication:
By leveraging phone numbers, which are already associated with real-world identities, 3NUM adds an extra layer of trust and authenticity to digital identities. This can be particularly valuable in scenarios such as e-commerce, financial services, and online marketplaces.

User Empowerment:
3NUM's solution puts individuals in control of their own identities. Users can choose which attributes to disclose and to whom, enhancing their privacy and giving them the power to manage their digital presence more effectively.

In a world where digital identifiers are required for day to day life, 3NUM stands at the forefront of innovation with its transformative approach that brings self-sovereign identity to the most common digital identifier used by billions. By harnessing the power of phone numbers and converting them into decentralized identifiers, 3NUM empowers individuals with greater control, privacy, and security over their personal information. With its emphasis on trust, interoperability, and user empowerment, 3NUM is revolutionizing the digital identity landscape, paving the way for a safer and more secure online future.